Supplier to the Royal Household
On April 6, 2023, Van der Ent Group was honored with the distinction of Supplier to the Royal Household by the Commissioner of the King, Mr. Jaap Smit.
Supplier to the Royal Household

Being a supplier to the Royal Household
Since that day, Van der Ent Group has joined an exclusive group that can be called a Supplier to the Royal Household. Suppliers to the Royal Household are companies that are officially known for their good name and reputation and are of unimpeachable character. Additionally, the company must have reached the age of 100 years, as officially stipulated.

When applying for such an honor, a company must take the initiative itself and fully endorse it.
Without this choice, there can be no award. Subsequently, many parties are involved in the application: the mayor and his staff, various ministries, and also the commissioner and his staff. A company undergoes scrutiny and is thoroughly examined. This scrutiny results in a series of recommendations, which, once gathered, end up at the provincial government. Ultimately, it is the commissioner who, based on these recommendations, makes a judgment. The authority to actually confer the distinction lies with His Majesty.

A toast to the distinction
In this case, he has made a positive decision. In official terms, it has pleased His Majesty to grant the distinction of Supplier to the Royal Household to Van der Ent Holding B.V., trading under the name Van der Ent Group. We are proud that what began as a one-man operation and courier service between Rhoon and Rotterdam in 1922 has grown into a strong, independent company. A company that adheres to the highest (inter)national standards and now, as the icing on the cake, holds the distinction of Supplier to the Royal Household.

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